Planting Seeds – All Of My Relations
Hello Beloved Friends,
The world has changed dramatically since the last time I wrote, and I’m sorry it’s been so long! The past couple of months have been an emotional rollercoaster with a lot of tears, breathing, and deep visioning. I’m sure you can relate!
When the virus got real and the lockdown began, I was taken by the dichotomy of spring blooming vibrantly all around me, replete with choirs of birds jubilantly singing (finally free of traffic noise), against the backdrop of corona virus with humanity coming to a halt and going fearfully within. It felt like spring outside, but winter in my soul.
The Astral Project had some exciting performances on the books, and I was personally gearing up to record my first solo album, something I’ve been planning for a very long time. It brought me to tears to have to put it all on hold. I’m sure you had plans too. We all did.
Good Medicine Monday –
I felt as if we had all returned to the dark womb of winter, and that this was an opportunity for us to dream a new dream for our world, to emerge from this crisis into something entirely new. I wanted to help sew the seeds for what beauty could possibly come as a result of this pause, this common menace uniting humanity. To that end, I’ve been posting videos on Facebook under the title, “Good Medicine Monday.” They are simple songs and chants, possible good medicine for the soul. One of them actually went viral, and I now have a multitude of Facebook friends in India, Morocco and Uganda! It would seem I am scattering my seeds far and wide!
This is one that I wrote specifically for the occasion!
Give it a watch!
Old Souls Farm –
We have also appreciated having time to plant our garden. I find it so satisfying to dig into the earth and feel the rich soil between my fingers, to plant my prayers and watch the tiny shoots grow! We have peas and beans in the main garden and almost 1000 onions in the back. Our greenhouse is full of tomatoes, peppers, squash, and a boatload of volunteer lettuces, kale and dill. It’s inspiring to hear from so many friends who are also now planting seeds in their own back yards, many for the first time! Returning to our roots, to our connection to the earth, can be so very grounding and nourishing!

These are interesting times indeed! While it is hard to be a singer alone, I am inspired to find ways to continue to thrive in this world and to lift it up wherever I can. I’ll keep you posted, and I’ll share more of my Good Medicine videos with you!
Stay healthy out there,