Celebrate Global Love Day

After the 2016 presidential election I made a promise that I would do everything I could to be a beacon of love that shines out into the world and illuminates others with its glow, to help tip the collective vibratory scales that teeter between fear and love toward the side of love, to actively BE LOVE. It is an every moment practice, one that is done with every breath, with every word I speak, with every choice I make. Some days I am more successful than others, but since I have been purposefully in this practice I’ve seen the beautiful effect it has had on my own life, and the lives of those around me. It is true that what you put out is what you bring in. It is very powerful medicine!

As we approach the presidential inauguration, I feel it is becoming more and more important that we bridge the divide in this country and come together as a people united in love. That no matter our race, creed, sexual orientation, economic situation, or political affiliation, whatever our differences, we come together under the banner of love. We are all the same stuff. We are like leaves growing on the same tree, all fluttering in the same wind. The life-giving spirit that flows through one of us is the same spirit that flows through us all, and it is time we wake up to that connection. Therefore, I would like to invite you to join me in celebrating what I am calling “Global Love Day” on Friday, January 20th, Inauguration Day.

Participation is easy…

1. Whether you pray, meditate, or do nothing of the sort, start your morning by focusing on the qualities of love. Focus on how good it feels, how it warms your heart, how it brings a smile to your face. Maybe remember how it feels when you are first falling in love, how the whole world seems to be smiling at you.  Hold that feeling, that vibration of love in your heart as a glowing ball of light.

2. Carry that feeling with you into your day, in all you do. Send loving heart energy to people you encounter during the day at work, at grocery stores, on the freeway, in line at the post office, everywhere.  You will be amazed at how it affects the people around you!

3. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by fear, or anger or petty differences. Every situation you encounter during the day can be approached from a place of love. Yes, it takes practice!

4. Extend that love to yourself. Treat yourself lovingly with compassion.  Listen to your own wisdom and follow it.

5. Mentally send love to people you may struggle with, people you fear, or those who challenge you in some way.

6.  Take a moment to see the entire planet wrapped in this beautiful heart-glow.  Extend your love around the world and in your mind, see people all over the globe letting go of their arguments, their differences, and truly loving each other.

7. This step may be the hardest one of all – At noon, eastern time, or maybe a few minutes before, FOCUS ON LOVE. Send love, clarity, compassion and enlightenment to our new president as he takes the oath of office. Let’s hold him in our highest vision as a man of love and compassion for ALL beings. Let us surround him in a field of love so strong that it touches his heart and he too awakens to the awareness that we are all connected.  Let’s send him the love that we would like for him to extend to the whole world.

8. On Friday night, attend an event in your area that is love focused. Here in Planet Boulder there are numerous meditations, sound healing events, dance parties, etc. being offered that night. Find something positive to participate in.  Do everything you can to stay focused on the love and the empowerment that it brings, and stay out of the fear.

I hope you will join me in celebrating Global Love Day on Friday, January 20th! In fact, let’s celebrate Global Love Day every day after that as well! This doesn’t mean we aren’t paying attention, because we are. But while we are busy signing petitions, showing up for rallies and defending what we hold dear, let’s do everything we can to shift the vibration of this entire planet from one of fear and hatred to one of love and kindness. It is up to every one of us to be this light, to BE this LOVE.

With Gratitude,

Freyja Wild


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