Like A River – A Song For Sending Love To The World
Wow, what difficult news these past few days! It breaks my heart to watch our country tear itself apart at the seams. I honor those who are mourning, and those who are peacefully standing up. It is my hope that all of this struggle serves the purpose of finally bringing the ugly underbelly of fear and hatred out into the honest light of day, where it can be truly dealt with once and for all. I pray that this is one more step toward a coming together, and that we humans are ultimately able to release our underlying fear of “other” and stand peacefully united.
Good Medicine Monday – This is a chant for sending love out to the world and receiving it back, something I feel the world needs a lot of right now.
The words are simple:
All my love flows like a river
Out into the world, to the deep blue sea
Bringing hope to all it touches
Rolling like a wave coming back to me
I invite you to sing it with me!
My prayer is that we can each be emissaries of love, setting in motion a wave of love that overtakes the fear on our planet, changing the vibration to one of connection and unity. Enjoy, and sing it fervently!
Old Souls Farm –
The garden is thriving! So much beauty is emanating from the earth!
Each morning as I step outside to see what is for breakfast, I am continuously in awe of nature and her unstoppable power to flourish.
She does an intricate and artful dance as she rushes to fruition in these short summer months.
I’m inspired to do the same, to find all of the ways in which I can use my gifts to bring some joy and happiness to the world, to help us grow in love and compassion. I’ll keep you posted on my progress, and I’ll continue to share more of my Good Medicine videos with you!