Pass Me The Baton, I’m Ready…
Recently I’ve become smitten with Monarch butterflies. What amazing creatures! Did you know that their migration extends from Canada to Mexico and requires three to four generations to complete? It takes two or three generations for the monarch butterfly to travel from central Mexico to the Canadian breeding grounds, but it is one “super-generation” that makes the 2,500-mile return trip back south to Mexico. I find that fascinating!
I am intrigued by this for a number of reasons. I wonder, how does each generation know what its role is in the great migration? How does it know how to begin and complete its assigned leg of the journey? How does it know where it currently is, and where to go from there? How is it that year after year the monarch butterflies return to the exact same spot that their great, great grandfathers and grandmothers rested? How do they navigate their way across 2,500 miles back to central Mexico? Scientists are studying the butterflies in an attempt to find out, but they are still rather perplexed by the whole thing.
The real truth is, it really doesn’t matter how they do it, they just do. Each individual, instinctively knows where to go from where it currently is, and picks up its leg of the journey as if it had been a part of the journey all along, trusting it’s own inner guidance system.

That’s deep….
I wonder, is there an “Aha” moment when a monarch instinctively wakes up to knowing what it must do for the greater good? When it realizes that it is part of a large cycle, a large being? The great butterfly in the sky? Or is it born knowing? Are we?
Like many of my friends, I have been in the chrysalis for several years, undergoing tremendous metamorphosis on every level, and working to discover what my real purpose is in this life. I have acted on every creative impulse I have ever had, just to see where it would take me. Interestingly, in coming through the other side of that, I now realize that the dreams I had when I was young about what my life could be, the secret dreams that never went away, are in fact, in alignment with my highest purpose. And in feeling back through time, I know that this yearning is compelling me to continue a mission that I have already been on for countless lifetimes. I am simply “waking up” to continue the journey. Until now I didn’t believe that I was worthy of it, or even capable of it, but I always secretly wished I was.
My secret dream is to uplift the world with music

Now, with the wisdom of time on my side, I do feel ready, and I know I have something to offer. Also, I now possess enough belief in myself to pursue my wild dreams, to spread my wings and live my life to its fullest potential. What’s more, I know without a doubt that I must! I must thrive and the time is now!
That’s what all of us came here to do. We all came here to thrive! We don’t have to know all of the details, we only need to follow our inner guidance system, and know that we are part of an infinitely-larger, loving being. It takes a lot of trust.
I am taking up the baton to begin running with it, to further the mission as much as I can in my leg of the journey, to carry it as far as I am able. I have to do everything I can to support humanity in awakening to our loving interconnection. I am on a mission from Spirit.
Pass me the baton, I’m ready!